Thursday 21 January 2010

International Green Standards Solution Leans Toward Bamboo Flooring

On the wake of the International Green Standards meeting that recently took place in Copenhagen, Denmark, consumers are encouraged to go green. Environment and ecology is a buying factor and more and more home builders are turning to solar energy panels as well as bamboo flooring as part of the solution. Bamboo is the most ecologically friendly natural hard wood choice in flooring since bamboo is the fastest growing plant in the world. An entire bamboo forest can replace itself in the span of just five short years whereas a maple or oak forest may take decade upon decade to show signs of replenishment.

Even though people often mistakenly refer to a towering bamboo as a bamboo tree, bamboo is actually from the grass family. Regardless of its growth family, when people put bamboo in their home, the focus is on the sustainability and on the splendor. Bamboo flooring carries a beauty of its own. It has the appearance of a lovely hard wood (and a durability to match), but it also has an elegance unique to its makeup. For the ecologically and environmentally centered consumer, it is a bonus that bamboo is the fastest growing annually renewable resource. The Eastern world has known the magic of bamboo for a long time. As resources diminish and the apparent beauty of bamboo is experienced, more home owners in the western world will learn of and desire bamboo on their floor.

Bamboo is a hardy plant that exhibits seemingly supernatural growth spurts. Bamboo typically experiences a 60 day growing period during the year. During this growing period, the underground stems (or roots, also called the rhizomes) may grow as much as five feet; but the above ground, stems (known as the culms) can grow as much as an impressive full foot or more per day. Yes, that's per day!

As stated earlier, bamboo may look like a tree, but it is actually grass. There exists an assortment of species of bamboo that vary greatly in size. The variety of heights is represented by a huge range; there is the minuscule one-foot tall bamboo and there is also its towering one-hundred foot tall lofty cousin. It is not only ecologically and aesthetically used as a source for highly durable bamboo, but bamboo is also used in various avenues of construction, furniture, tableware, and even for the creation of musical instruments. The lovely appearance of the natural material combined with the hardy strength of bamboo makes it an extremely reliable material that can be used for structural elements as well as decorative pieces.

Bamboo is not only a fast growing plant; it is also a robust plant. It can be the farmer's favorite grass in the field since it does not require a lot of hard work and maintenance to cultivate. Because it is not labor intensive, bamboo flooring is an affordable choice for home builders; the process in growing the grass is simple. Bamboo will tolerate most soil choices. It doesn't mind being planted on a slope; it likes sun, but will accept shade too; and it is an easy to get along with product which builders can rely upon.

With the new appreciation and availability of bamboo flooring in the United States, the people in Copenhagen and around the world can be satisfied that one green standard is currently being enjoyed. We are just at the advent of the bamboo flooring. This extremely attractive construction choice seems like one of the easy no brainer methods for helping the environment. If alternatives in fuel could come as easily and affordably as alternatives in construction materials, our environment and our pocketbooks could both celebrate.

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